Univ. of Texas, USA
"Inflammatory Tales in Cardiovascular Medicine"
Univ. of Texas, USA
“Organ Crosstalk of Adipose Tissue: Implications for the Heart and the Vasculature”
Heart Research Inst., Australia
"Four Decades of Progress in Drug Therapy for Heart Failure"
Emeritus Prof. of Gachon Univ., Korea
Director, K-Heart Clinic & Lab, Korea
"Cardiologist as Physician and Scientist: A 33 Years Odyssey"
Fudan Univ., China
"Mitochondrial Metabolism and Cardiac Remodeling"
Fukuoka Univ., Japan
"Prediction of Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis Using Molecular and Imaging Biomarkers"
Kyung Hee Univ., Korea
"Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Substance P in CVD"
Hallym Univ., Korea
"Vasospastic Angina, To Be Resolved"
Kagawa Univ., Japan
"SGLT-2 I: Basic Evidences Supporting Clinical Trials"
Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology, China
"Cardiometabolic Disease in China"
Mie Univ., Japan
"Neuroendocrine Disorder in Cardiometabolic Disease -The Last Black Box for Heart Failure Pathophysiology"
Fukuoka Univ., Japan
"Strategy of Non-invasive, Simple, and Accurate Determination of Anaerobic Threshold in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases"
Yanbian Univ., China
"Relationship between Coronary Artery Disease and Metabolic Syndrome"
The Best IMC & PCS, Korea
"Management of Cardiometabolic Syndrome in Primary Care Service"
Catholic Univ. of the Sacred Heart, Italy
UCSI Univ., Malaysia
Asha Kiran JHC Hosp., India
Gadjah Mada Univ., Indonesia